Sunday, September 29, 2013

Life is Strange...

... When you have little access to the Internet.  One doesn't realize how much of their livelihood depends on it, especially when that new aspect of livelihood is rooted in reaching people through the way they find most comfortable.  A lot can --and has-- happened since my last post.  Settling into a new job, spending more time with my family, friends from my hometown all consume the bulk of experiences, and its been wonderful.

 I've also been into MMA in general and UFC in particular. There's a lesson here, watching these guys pummel the crap out of each other then shake hands or hug and congratulate one another:
It's nothing personal.  When life throws crap at you and it knocks you down, you can learn from the experience and move on.  The fighters that turn into jerks and hold grudges don't survive long.  The guys with the better attitudes do. Thank them for each punch and kick then move on to the next fight having learned something valuable.

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