Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tools to Make Writing Easier

Several years ago, I stumbled across this wonderful program called "Scrivener"  (sorry PC folks, the program is just for Macs at the moment, but they're working on it). The robust software specifically designed for writers seemed to answer all of my prayers* except for one - portability.  Fast forward several years, when my dearest husband bequeathed me with an amazing tool for a writer on the go, such as I - the iPad.  Now picture me scrambling to get to the App Store, pecking away in the Search bar for an iPad version of Scrivener.  I am not setting out to write a horror story here, but alas, I found my hopes savaged by the lack of a portable version of my favorite writing software. 

Or so I thought - a ray of possibilities shone on me, and its name was "Index Card." And - get this - it works with Scrivener through another program called "Dropbox."  Unbelievable goodness.  I've been able to take my work with me and create when the mood hits me, (making my right brain dance like a mummer) and keep it all neat and tidy (earning a nod of approval from my left brain).

I don't get anything from these endorsements from the folks who created them, but I will point those of you who are interested in learning more about them in the right direction and to the programmers I give a hearty "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" And some word-of-mouth, which proves useful to those wanting you to buy something.

Scrivener, from the folks at Literature and Latte, can be found here.

Index Card you can locate in the App Store, or take a look at it here.

*At least those involving the left side of my brain's desire for organization. And readable text. You should see my printing and handwriting. Blecch.

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